My Hero Ultra Rumble News! (unofficial)
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MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE – Developer’s Blog VOL. 12

Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE

We are very happy that you have been playing this game for so long and we would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for making Season 3 a success. This season, we have prepared many new elements for you to enjoy for a longer time.

First, we have implemented the Quirk Skill Set, which allows players to change their Quirk Skills, to increase the variety to the play of the characters so that you will grow more attached to them, and to improve the gameplay.

The Quirk Skill Set can be obtained from the Quirk Skill Set Roll, but in the training mode, you can also try it out before you get it so that you can see its performance.

In this Season 3, we have implemented “Full Bullet”, a more evolved Quirk Skill Set of Deku. By switching to this Quirk Skill Set, you can use new and powerful Quirk Skill that are different from those of previous Deku.

We are planning to add new Quirk Skill Set for various characters accordingly in the future, and hope that you will enjoy the game with an expanded range of playability.

Of course, Deku’s “Full Bullet” is not the only thing which will be added during Season 3, as we are also planning to increase the number of players displayed during battle and add new character. Please stay tuned for further announcements!

In addition, a new stage “U.A. island” was implemented. “U.A. island” has a more three-dimensional map with various levels designed to allow players to enter and fight inside many buildings.

※ The previous stages “U.S.J.” and “U.A. island” will be switched every two hours.

We have also added a new game mode, “Custom Match” mode, which can be used for private matches between friends who know each other well or for game competitions.

Rooms can be created for up to 24 players of your choice, allowing you to freely set up teams and stages for battles.

In the rankings, we have added “Emblem”, which symbolizes each ranking, as a ranking reward at the end of the season.

The design of the “Emblem” will be different for each ranking and season, so it can be very exciting if you try to acquire a higher ranking “Emblem” and set it up to appeal to the public, further boosting each ranking.

Moreover, as a major update, we have improved the “rating system” for Ranked Matches.

In the previous “rating system”, players were evaluated based on their individual performance, and we have received a lot of feedback from you.

Starting this season, we have decided to use a system that emphasizes winning as a team, so that those who contribute to the team will also be rewarded.

Specific evaluation items are as follows.

1. Team Rank

 └ The team’s ranking at the end of the game is evaluated.

   The higher the ranking, the more points the team earns.

2. Total Damage Dealt

 └ The amount of damage dealt on the opponent is evaluated.

   There is an upper limit to the number of points that can be earned, up to 300pt.

3. Total K.O.s Dealt

 └ The number of K.O. the player makes on opponents is evaluated.

4. K.O. Assists

When an ally contributes to K.O. of an opponent through actions such as listed below, it is counted as “K.O. Assists.”

  •  Deal damage to the opponents.
  •  Recover HP or GP of an ally by using a team recovery type drink.

5. Total Team K.O.s

 └ The total number of K.O. of all team members is evaluated.

6. Ally Support Points

 The actions such as listed below will be counted as ally support points.

 There is an upper limit to the number of points that can be earned, up to 300pt.

  •  Give an item to an ally.
  •  Recover HP or GP of an ally by using a team recovery type drink.
  •  Rescue an ally.
  •  Revive an ally.

The new system enables players to play the game in a way that they can “aim for victory as a team”, which was originally envisioned, and to have their roles evaluated appropriately. It also allows even characters who had difficulty gaining points due to lack of offensive power to gain higher points.

We also hope that the more dynamic actions of support characters will lead to further new team compositions and tactics. We have also started to improve the UI and controls to make it easier to play.

We will continue to make improvements so that more players can enjoy the game. We hope you continue to enjoy “MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE”.

Aoba Miyazaki, Producer of “MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE“