My Hero Ultra Rumble News! (unofficial)
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Your questions answered

General Questions

What is this website for?

This website is a non-profit website dedicated to the game “My Hero Ultra Rumble” made as a College project.

This website is mainly for keeping you up to date with what’s going on in the world of MHUR. Is it the best website for this? Probably not, but I try my best.

Is this website official?

Nope, this website is completely ran by 1 guy who just so happens to like the game My Hero Ultra Rumble.

Links to the official website are available here and on the main page.

Also special shoutout to the MHA wiki, MHUR Database (By HydrosPlays) and YouTuber SenseiGoGo. These sources helped a TON for gathering all of the information I packed into this site.

So keep in mind I am not in any way associated with any of the above webpages or people whatsoever.

How do I contact you?

Ok. First off, BIT CREEPY! NGL, I would prefer if you didn’t if I’m being honest. But if you REALLY need to….you can find me usually on the MHUR Sub-Reddit! Direct message me Here, I guess….